• Photos

    34 (Vegetables)

    “Remember to eat a green thing every day, and have lots of calcium” A brief stop by the Chuck Ramirez exhibit in San Antonio, TX at the McNay Art Museum…

  • Photos

    33 (Kauai)

    Can’t help but to rather be back here when spending a Sunday morning at the laundromat. Don’t get me wrong, clean clothes are great and all, but this view is…

  • Thoughts,  Video

    32 (A New Year)

    So the new year has passed, many resolutions have been set, and unfortunately some have already been forgotten… Which is one of the main reasons I have a hard time fully getting into the…

  • Video

    28 (The haka)

      Out of all the haka videos I’ve run across online, this is definitely one of my favorites.  It shows a level of respect that unfortunately, our teachers in the…

  • Photos

    12 (The Con)

    So today was the Alamo City Comic Con, and just like every year, I bought my tickets in advance so I could skip all the lines and avoid the hassel..…

  • Photos,  Travel

    04 (The choices!)

    Whether it’s Birthday Cake, judge Wapner Root Beer, or Bug Barf… Las Vegas gift shops have you covered for all your sofa flavor needs.   And this was only half…

  • Thoughts


    So I’ve never been a big fan of setting an outrageous amount of improbable New Years resolutions just for the sake of making them.  Mostly because I don’t want to…